Willott Welcomes Childcare Support Plans

Jenny Willott, the Co-Chair of the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Committee on Work and Pensions and MP for Cardiff Central, has welcomed the announcement by Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg MP, on additional funding for working parents to cope with the cost of childcare.

Nick Clegg announced an additional £300 million in funding to help ensure that people who work, even for only a few hours a week, will be able to get help with up to 70% of their childcare costs.

Commenting Jenny said:

“This is excellent news for thousands of parents working in part time jobs who up until now have not been able to receive any help with their childcare costs.

“I am really pleased that the Government has found additional money so that we can increase the number of people eligible for support, but can also continue to support everyone with up to 70% of their costs.

“I believe that this shows very clearly that Liberal Democrats are committed to supporting all working families and to making childcare affordable and are making this a reality in Government.”


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