Willott Welcomes Government’s Carbon Reductions

Jenny Willott, the Liberal Democrat MP for Cardiff Central, has welcomed the news that the Government has surpassed its target to reduce carbon emission by central government by 10%.

In response to a question by Ms Willott, the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, Chris Huhne MP, announced that government departments had sailed past the 10% target and achieved an overall reduction of 13.8%.

Commenting, Jenny said:

“I’m really pleased that this Government is leading by example and cutting its emissions across departments. A 10% reduction was an ambitious target but the Government has well and truly surpassed it.

“I am also delighted that the Government has announced that we will be going even further, with a new 5 year target of a 25% cut.

“I also hope that the Department for Communities and Local Government will continue to work with private businesses to help every organisation in the UK cut their emissions and combat climate change.”


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