Willott Welcomes Welfare Shake Up

Commenting on the publication of the Welfare Reform Bill today Jenny Willott, the Liberal Democrat MP for Cardiff Central and Co-Chair of the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Committee on Work and Pensions, said:

“The Welfare Reform Bill is one of the biggest overhauls of our incredibly complicated welfare system in 50 years.  The Universal Credit it will introduce will finally end the ridiculous situation where a person can be better off on benefits than in work.

“These reforms will simplify a benefits system that is far too complicated and ensure that support is targeted at those who most need it.  I am certain that these reforms would not be happening without Liberal Democrat influence in Government.”

Commenting on the Government’s decision to drop plans to cut Housing Benefit for people on Jobseekers Allowance for more than 12 months from the Bill, Jenny said:

“I am delighted that the Government has listened to the concerns of Liberal Democrats both in Government and outside it, and have dropped these plans which I and other Lib Dems were concerned would punish people even if they were making a real effort to find a job.

“The Government is showing that it is willing to listen to concerns and make changes, unlike the previous Government which refused to listen even to its own backbenchers.

“Over the coming months I will work with Ministers to ensure that all aspects of the final legislation on Welfare Reform are fair and to ensure it upholds Lib Dem values.”

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