WLGA responds to Education Minister’s statement on 21st Century Schools Programme

Responding to a statement issued today by Leighton Andrews, Minister for Education and Skills on the 21st Century Schools Programme and expenditure on capital for the period 2011-2014, Cllr Peter Fox (Monmouthshire), WLGA Lifelong Learning and Skills Spokesperson said:

“Today’s news on the future of the 21st century schools programme inevitably reflects the paucity of capital funding within Wales arising from the Westminster led Comprehensive Spending Review.  While this will come as a disappointment to authorities, It is vital that the partnership on educational infrastructure in Wales continues with the Welsh Government.  The financial climate dictates that reprioritisation does occur and we need to work closely to examine all potentially new sources of funding available to update our schools’ stock and to ensure the right provision in the right place for the future.

“The survey undertaken by local Authorities says that over 50% of the school stock is described as good or reasonable. Local authorities have worked unstintingly over the recent period to produce Strategic Outline Programmes which set out a realistic approximation of the scale of new build or repairs required to bring the Welsh schools’ stock up to the standard. As it stands the gap between the money available and the scale of challenge is now completely out of kilter. Local authorities have worked closely with the Welsh Government to take this forward as a collaborative programme which has identified a total investment requirement over the next twelve years of approximately £5 billion.  At this stage only those projects which have already had funding confirmed will be supported over the next period – amounting to £415 million.

“The Welsh Government’s decision to move to a 50% rate of capital grant is of great concern to all local councils as their capital and revenue budgets are already under significant pressure.  The Minister’s announcement of the possibility of a revenue stream in the future to support revenue funded partnerships is welcome and will be critical to the delivery of the 21st century schools’ programme.

“All parties within the 21st Century Schools Programme recognise the responsibilities that we have to learners across Wales in relation to education attainment and improving outcomes and to ensure we have cost effective delivery putting our resources into excellent education. ”


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