Wood: Meaningful Powers Must be Devolved

Leanne Wood AMThe Party of Wales Leader Leanne Wood has made the case for the full implementation of the Silk Commission’s recommendations on the devolution of taxation powers to Wales, and has insisted that a lack of workable powers would hamper Wales’ progress.

She insisted that her party entered into the Silk Commission in good faith and in the spirit of cooperation and was ready to accept its recommendations as a package, but that it is disappointing that other parties have opted to cherry pick the recommendations.

She hit out at the London-based parties’ in-fighting over taxation matters, and called for unity against a lock-step system that would clip Wales’ wings and restrict the economic potential of these levers.

The Party of Wales leader Leanne Wood said:

“Plaid Cymru wants the recommendations of the Silk Commission’s report implemented in full. My party engaged with the commission in good faith. As with any multi-party process, compromise from all is necessary. The Party of Wales has been prepared to engage on such terms. It has therefore been disappointing that the draft Wales Bill, has needlessly watered down a comprehensive set of recommendations from the Silk Commission.

“I have found it staggering that the UK Government’s rationale has been so blatantly self-interested. It wants a lockstep in order to ensure that no part of the UK could be fiscally more competitive than another. This from a government that is presiding over a continued economic over-heating of London and the south east of England at the expense of the rest of the UK.

“It is in the Welsh national interest to have income tax sharing powers with the UK Treasury without the lock-step and all parties should be relentless in our pursuit of the full implementation of Silk at the very least.

“The Party of Wales will continue to make the clear case for Wales to be able to compete economically, to create jobs and provide an environment for long-term, sustainable growth. I do hope that the internal wranglings of the other parties do not distract from the very important task we face of working towards enhanced powers so our country can achieve its potential.”


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