Woolly Warmth for Poorly Penguins

Penguin red jumper lrSick penguins in Australia will be warm and cosy whilst receiving life saving treatment thanks to the Knit and Natter group who meet in Llanbradach Library.

The Knit and Natter group, who meet weekly at Llanbradach Library, have been busy knitting jumpers for the Philip Island Penguin Foundation, who put out an emergency appeal for jumpers to be knitted for penguins affected by oil spills or leaks from fishing boat.

The jumpers play an important role in saving little penguins affected by an oil spill. Knitted jumpers are placed on oiled penguins to keep them warm and prevent them from preening and swallowing toxic oil.  The jumpers are kept on the penguins until the penguins are strong enough to be cleaned.

The oil is washed from the feathers using warm water and detergent. Some penguins may require several washes to completely remove the oil. Penguins are not waterproof after washing and need time to preen, re-align their feathers and recover the natural oils that help keep their feathers waterproof.  The penguins are released back into the wild once they are waterproof and a healthy weight.

Emma Boone saw the appeal and raised it with the group members who eagerly agreed to help the poorly penguins and set about knitting the colourful jumpers.  Emma said “I look forward to coming along each week, we love to chat to each other about what we’ve been making and show off our latest creations.  It was great to be able to use our hobby to help the Philip Island Penguin Foundation.”

Cllr. Rhianon Passmore, Cabinet Member for Education & Lifelong Learning said, “It’s wonderful to see the community coming together to support such a worthwhile cause.  Our libraries are great places to visit, whether you are attending a group or just popping in to pick up some books – they are an invaluable asset to the community.”

The Knit and Natter group, who come from all around the County borough have been collectively knitting for over 500 years and have a wealth of experience in knitting.

The Philip Island Foundation are just one of many causes the ladies knit for, along with Velindre Hospital and Help the Aged.


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