Work Harder to Return Customers’ Money” Energy Companies Told

Peter_BlackThe Welsh Liberal Democrat Spokesperson on Social Justice, Peter Black has backed Ofgem’s recent call for energy companies to do more to return the £400 million in customers’ closed accounts that they are hanging on to at present.

Ofgem has found that the ‘Big Six’ energy companies weren’t doing enough to return money left in an account after people move or switch suppliers.

Mr Black said:

“While the £400 million figure is UK-wide, there will be ex-customers throughout our region who will be in the position of having a closed account that is still in credit.

“It isn’t just households that are affected. Ofgem reckon that 300,000 businesses across the UK are in the same boat.

“The ‘Big Six’ have recently been forced to make more effort to refund direct debit customers who end up in substantial credit. They should treat this issue in the same way, and change their procedures to make certain that people do not build up large credit balances prior to switching or moving.

“If anybody has switched or moved, and thinks they may be in credit with a former supplier, then the best thing is to get in touch, making sure that they have their old address and account details.”


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