Work on horizon for Strategic Business Park

Plans to pave the way for the development of a state-of-the-art business park at a former industrial site in Swansea could soon be realised.

Swansea Council’s Cabinet is being asked to back a programme of works for the former Felindre steelworks site that would include landscaping and the provision of electricity.

Infrastructure works are needed at the site to ensure it’s developed into a top location for businesses that will offer a high-quality centre for expansion projects and young companies with high growth potential.

The works are being made possible thanks to an £11.7million funding boost from the Welsh Assembly Government. This includes £9.5million from the Convergence European Regional Development Fund and the Targeted Match Fund. Swansea Council is also contributing to the scheme.

The development of the site is being brought forward as a Joint Venture between Swansea Council and the Assembly Government.

Cllr Gareth Sullivan, Swansea Council’s Cabinet Member for Economic and Strategic Development and Planning, said: “The Felindre site is ideal to accommodate a business park because of its superb communication links and room for expansion.

“We hope the strategic business park project will help build a better business environment, contribute to the regeneration of the area and boost employment opportunities.

“These works will help put vital infrastructure in place at Felindre if the works programme is backed by Cabinet.”

Deputy First Minister Ieuan Wyn Jones said: “The development of the Felindre site will be a major boost for the area. The strategic business park will be very important in attracting more inward investment to the region and developing the right infrastructure for a modern and competitive economy – one of the main aims of our Economic Renewal programme.”

Jane Hutt, the Assembly Government’s Minister for Business and Budget, said: “I’m very pleased to see that the plans for the strategic business park are progressing well.

“Thanks to EU funding and the Targeted Match Fund, the site at Felindre will be able to fulfil its true potential and deliver lasting benefits. This is another example of how the Assembly Government and its partners are maximising the impact of every pound of EU funding by transforming areas across Wales and boosting employment opportunities.”


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