Workers set to sharpen skills in £10.5m initiative

Thousands of workers looking to sharpen their skills could soon be getting a helping hand thanks to a £10.5m initiative set for launch in South West Wales.

Up to 7,900 staff could take advantage of the scheme which is also aimed at giving small or medium-sized businesses an extra competitive edge.

One aspect of the project will be to work with employers to update their workforce’s IT skills to give them a better chance to take advantage of developments in technology.

Swansea Council is helping lead the project with the South West Wales Regional Learning Partnership. The project is being funded by a £10.5m grant from the EU’s Convergence European Social Fund (ESF) through the Welsh Assembly Government.

Mike Hughes, Manager of Lifelong Learning at the Council, said: “This is a new and exciting initiative that’s going to help staff at small and medium-sized businesses develop essential skills to boost the companies they work for.

“Technology is changing and improving so quickly these days and this is why supporting staff to keep pace by developing their IT skills will be part of what the project will do.

“The partnership will be supporting the needs of local employers to enhance the skills of their workforce but it’s also part of the partnership’s strategic approach to workforce development across the region.

“We’ll be continuing to work with them so we can identify and provide the training opportunities which will lead to higher level skills which are so important in today’s global market.”

Swansea Council Cabinet Members were due to consider a report on the issue on Thursday May 5. If the plan is approved then the Council’s Education Department will be the lead sponsor in the project.

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