A team of researchers from the University of Glamorgan and other institutions from across the UK launched a seminar series last week as part of the Working Lives initiative.
The ‘Working Lives’ project began in 2007 and has involved a team of researchers working innovatively across boundaries of departments and institutions.
The initiative, which looks at lecturers’ changing roles and boundaries of everyday work-life, brings perspectives from Social Sciences, Educational Policy, Human Resources (HR), Enterprise/Knowledge groups and Business School specialists, in work that will underpin future, larger projects. This interdisciplinary research collaboration, led by the University of Glamorgan, is itself innovative in the context of higher education employment research.
Friday’s launch of a seminar series was a dissemination and celebration of working life, its changes and the shifting boundaries of academic life. It was also a chance for the Working Lives team to report back to and thank those who have participated in the work, either by funding and in-kind support, or by attending focus groups and data-gathering events.
The next Working Lives seminar will be held at Cardiff University on the 14th May at 11:00am with a key note speech by Professor Marylyn Strathern from Cambridge University entitled ‘The Academic as Examiner’.
For more information regarding the project and future events please contact Lyn Daunton at ldaunton@glam.ac.uk for more details.