Working together bears fruit for the arts

A popular arts master class project in Gwynedd has been such a success that it is being extended to all the other counties of north Wales.

Since it was set up in 2008, the ‘Criw Celf’ scheme gives an opportunity to children who have shown a special talent and interest in art to practice and develop their skills with local professional artists. The children follow a series of one-day master classes with various professional artists.

Gwawr Wyn Roberts, Community Arts Development Officer for Gwynedd Council, said:

“Criw Celf has been a very popular scheme from the beginning, and it has provided great opportunities for young artists to see professionals at work.

“It’s excellent news that the other counties of north Wales have adopted the scheme.

“This means that the kind of arts activities that have been available to the children of Gwynedd over the past few years are now offered to all year 5 and 6 pupils in north Wales.”

The scheme will be jointly funded by the six counties of north Wales and the Wales Arts Council.

Although the Gwynedd Criw Celf master class is full for this year, financial support is available in the meantime for Gwynedd and Anglesey schools to open their doors to professional artists.

The schools have until the end of this month to submit an application for grants to hold artist in residence activities. They will need to find 30% match funding and submit their application by November 30 to the Gwynedd and Anglesey Arts Agency.

Gwawr Wyn Roberts added:

“Grants are available for holding all kinds of activities, be they music, dance, drama or art, in our schools.

“There are so many arts activities taking place in the two counties and giving children the opportunity to work with the artists themselves is a brilliant way of encouraging their interest.

“There will also be occasional courses for the artists themselves, providing training on how to conduct arts projects in schools.”

Further information on the grants is available on:

Photograph: Current Gwynedd Criw Celf members
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