World famous orchestra creates some musical Christmas magic

Musicians from a world famous orchestra have been spreading Christmas cheer among care home residents in Wrexham.

The award-winning Pendine Park care organisation and the Hallé have been working together for several years to create unique music workshops.

There was a festive theme to the latest workshop with residents playing instruments along with the professional musicians and joining in singing some rousing Christmas carols.

Pendine Park ‘s Artist in Residence, Sarah Edwards, co-ordinates the workshops and says residents really enjoy taking part in the “magical” musical events.

She said: “Residents get a sense of empowerment by conducting the musicians as they play as well as joining in playing instruments such as tambourines and bongos themselves.

“We have residents of all abilities, including some who have severe brain injuries, and there is no doubt these sessions help them.

“It’s wonderful to witness the sheer joy on their faces and the obvious pleasure they get from simply participating.

“Each workshop has a different theme such as water. Residents then work with the musicians to produce music that brings the subject to life.

“Today’s theme is Christmas and that’s given our Hallé musicians the opportunity to play some wonderful traditional carols that residents have thoroughly enjoyed singing along to.

“As well as the music, residents are displaying their photographs on the theme “Pendine Park‘s Winter Wonderland“. The photographs were all taken by residents in the grounds and gardens of Pendine Park during times of snow over the last few years.”

Pendine Park proprietor Mario Kreft is in no doubt that live music is of benefit to residents.

He said: “We do not need any more research to see just how important music is in the lives of people.

“I am personally delighted we have an orchestra of  world renown such as the Hallé supporting our work here at Pendine Park.”

“Janet Simpson, our Musician in Residence and Hallé Orchestra pianist, is wonderful and really understands the importance of music to our residents and how it helps them express themselves.

“I am delighted she continues to work closely with us here at Pendine Park and I hope our association continues to bear fruit for those residents who wish to take advantage of the workshops.”

Wrexham Mayor, Cllr Ian Roberts, popped in and said it is always a delight to visit Pendine Park.

He said: “I wanted to drop in and wish residents and staff of all Pendine Park homes and unit’s a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year.”

The Hallé’s  Janet Simpson, who is also Pendine Park’s musician in residence, said she had thoroughly enjoyed seeing residents enjoy singing Christmas carols.

She said: “I have been joined today by cellist David Petri and oboist Hugh McKenna. I get to Pendine Park as often as our orchestral schedule allows and I always look forward to visiting.

“It’s great to see so many residents really enjoying the Christmas carols we have shared today and joining in with the music. We have certainly spread a great deal of Christmas cheer!”

Bryn Bella resident Allan Hassall, 64, delighted fellow residents, staff and the musicians by reciting a Christmas poem written by Pendine Park art class students and staff.

He said: “We all had a hand writing the poem and then Sarah put our thoughts together. It’s been excellent listening to the musicians and joining in with the music. I have really, really, enjoyed it.

“I have seen people laughing and smiling today that normally don’t join in and that has to be good. I really enjoy playing the instruments too and think we sound quite good when we get going!”

Hillbury resident, John Pierce, 91, agreed adding that the Christmas carols made him feel very festive.

He said: “Marvellous, you could see everyone laughing, smiling and joining in. I really enjoyed it and love playing the instruments not that I’m very musical myself! I’m better at gardening but you are never too old to learn new tricks!”

Photograph: Enjoying the celebrations is resident Eileen Lewis

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