Wrexham Local Access Forum Meeting

Members of the public are being invited to the next meeting of the Wrexham Local Access Forum. The meeting will be held at 2.00pm on Friday 14th May 2010 in the Education Centre at Nant Mill Country Park.

The Forum is an independent body set up advice the local authority, the Countryside Council for Wales and others on the improvement of public access to land for recreation. This includes both the improvement of public rights of way and the new right of access to open country and registered common land.

The Forum was set up to give a good cross-section of those affected by the legislation and includes landowners, foresters, conservationists, walkers, horse-riders and cyclists.

For information about the Forum, which meets every two or three months, please telephone 01978 298816 or visit www.wrexham.gov.uk/laf.


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