Y Felinheli – Tidy Towns gardening boost for former Moriah site

Local environmental quality in Y Felinheli is benefitting from a landscape improvement project thanks to a cash boost by Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Towns scheme which is funded by the Welsh Government.

The grant aided Tidy Towns landscaping project includes a maritime themed landscaped area in the village centre, a new seating area and a memorial stone to mark the position of the former Moriah Chapel (1862 – 1987) – known locally for its significance as a place of worship for seafarers engaged in the slate export industry. The sloping landscaped area opposite the Post Office will include a large wave-shaped bed of locally grown lavender plants to provide some seasonal colours and scent.

Councillor Gareth Roberts, Gwynedd Council Senior Portfolio Leader for the Environment added: “I am very pleased that Gwynedd’s Tidy Towns scheme has enabled the Council and its partners to improve the appearance of a village centre. By working in partnership with Gwynedd Council, the Community Council and a local landscape specialist, the Gardening Club have developed a very innovative project, which should generate local interest and involvement for years to come.”

Y Felinheli Councillor Sian Gwenllian said : “Its been a pleasure to see this project developing from an imaginative idea into reality. It will be a fitting memorial to the chapel that once stood on the site whilst also highlighting Felinheli’s maritime and industrial heritage and enhancing an area that needed improving. Its been a real joint effort and I wish to congratulate all involved.”

Ken Brown, Chairman of Y Felinheli Community Council added: “This idea started in the Gardening Club and since then the Community Council, Gwynedd Council and Councillor Sian gwenllian have worked together to realise the project. Thanks to the Tidy Towns initiative for the grant and thanks to the hard work of everyone who who has contributed to the project.”

The Tidy Towns grant has been made possible by funding from the Welsh Assembly Government’s environmental improvement programme and Gwynedd Council works in partnership with Keep Wales Tidy.

For more information about Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Towns scheme, contact [email protected] or telephone 01766 771000.

Photograph: The project at Felinheli taking shape

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