Y Glyn residents say ‘No’ to cold callers

Residents living in a sheltered housing complex in Maesycwmmer are now able to benefit after the complex was made a ‘No Cold Calling Zone’.

The No Cold Calling Zone, which is to benefit residents at the Y Glyn Sheltered Housing Complex, was introduced by Caerphilly County Borough Council’s Trading Standards Service and Gwent Police following a distraction burglary in the area.

Residents of the complex have also frequently been targeted by cold callers in the past.

Cllr Rob Gough, Cabinet Member for Public Protection said, “I welcome the introduction of this No Cold Calling Zone, which is about helping the residents to feel safe in their community, and knowing that they have the full backing of the council and police when dealing with doorstep callers”.

While a No Cold Calling Zone does not make doorstep calling illegal, it does send out a clear message that it is not welcome.

Community Support Officer for Maesycwmmer Ward, Gareth Coombes says: “Establishing this no cold calling zone is all about the community of Maesycwmmer working together with Gwent Police and our partners and having the confidence to turn away rogue traders and cold callers that are not welcome in the Maesycwmmer area.”

Signs have been erected prominently on street lampposts in the area by Caerphilly County Borough Council’s Community Safety Wardens to warn prospective sellers that the residents have agreed that they don’t wish to receive calls door to door.

Residents have also placed stickers in the windows of their houses, asking sellers not to call.

They have also been given specific advice on how to avoid cold callers, how to properly check the legitimate identification of officials and meter readers, and also some tips on how to deal with telesales phone calls.

For further information on doorstep calling, please contact Caerphilly County Borough Council’s Trading Standards Service on 01495 235 291.

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