YGGD Rhiwfawr

The Welsh Government has supported Neath Port Talbot Council’s proposal for the future of YGGD Rhiwfawr in the upper Swansea Valley.

They agreed that, on education and economic grounds, it would be unviable for the school to remain open.

The Council is now putting plans into place to work with the school community to ensure there is a smooth transition for pupils to start in nearby YGGD Cwmllynfell from January 2012.

The council recognises the support the community has shown towards retaining the school.  The decision to close a school is not taken lightly by the Council and extensive consultation and detailed analysis was carried out to ensure this was the right decision for the future education needs of the children.  This view has been endorsed by the Welsh Government following careful scrutiny of our proposals, in line with the agreed principles set out in our Strategic Schools Improvement Programme.

Karl Napieralla, Director of Education Leisure and Lifelong Learning said: “This council is committed to providing children and young people with the best possible start in life and opportunities to achieve their full potential.  We will be supporting the pupils, parents and staff through this period of change.”


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