You’re hired! – Employers urged to take on apprentices

Employers across Wales are being urged to offer a young person an apprenticeship and tell them ‘You’re hired!’

The call comes from Lesley Griffiths, Deputy Minister for Science, Innovation and Skills, at the launch of Apprenticeship Week Wales (Feb 7-11), which is geared to raise awareness of apprenticeships and promote the benefits to employers who have not yet supported an apprentice.

During Apprenticeship Week Wales employers are being asked to ‘Make someone Great’ – and Lesley Griffiths is asking employers to take up the challenge.

The Deputy Minister said apprenticeships offer young people a great start to their working lives and are a cost effective option for businesses.

“In the current economic climate, when some businesses and organisations may be cutting their training budgets, there has never been a better time to invest in the apprenticeship programme in Wales.

“The Welsh Assembly Government schemes provide funding for all external training so businesses only have to pay wages – but the bottom line is that apprenticeships make good business sense.

“We support apprenticeships as they fuel the future essential skills base of our nation and now is the time to build a better workforce.”

The Deputy Minister said the Welsh Assembly Government, with support from European Structural funds, has made an additional £20million available to tackle youth unemployment and to protect apprenticeships during the recession.

In August 2010, more than 22,700 people in Wales were participating in apprenticeship schemes funded through the Welsh Assembly Government.

The Deputy Minister announced she is extending the Welsh Assembly Government’s Young Recruits programme, which provides a wage subsidy to employers taking on additional young apprentices.

It was introduced as a response to the economic downturn to try to stave off rising levels of youth unemployment. Originally a one year initiative, it was due to end in March.

It has been highly successful and the 1000th young person to join the programme is to be announced this week. The aim is to now to increase the target number of learners in the next academic year by another 1000.

The Pathways to Apprentices programme was also introduced during the recession and supports individuals on a year-long full-time intensive training programme in preparation for a full apprenticeship.

Ms Griffiths described it as a highly successful initiative that offered nearly 2000 places in its pilot year (2009/10) with a further 2000 places available during the current second academic year.

She also announced plans to roll out the Apprenticeship Matching Service across Wales later this year.

The web based service will enable potential Apprentices to register, search for apprenticeship vacancies and apply for apprenticeships. Employers will be able to register their companies, link to local training providers and post apprenticeship vacancies.

Training providers, colleges and Careers Wales are hosting a range of events during the week and Ms Griffiths said she hoped employers would make time to attend these events to find out how an apprentice could bring fresh ideas and new skills to their businesses.

“Many apprentices go on to do great things for their employers and we are asking employers if they can help make someone great. By sharing their knowledge and expertise, employers can help an apprentice reach his or her full potential.

“I want to take this opportunity to encourage employers across Wales to look at the business benefits of apprenticeships and to consider taking on an apprentice.”

For employers wanting to find out more about Apprenticeships call 0845 6066160 or email [email protected].


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