Youngsters rewarded with football training sessions

Youngsters from Denbighshire have been given the chance to improve their football skills at Wrexham Football Club as a reward for their good behaviour.

Throughout the school summer holidays as well as during Easter and half-term, pupils from across the area – including Rhyl, Meliden, Upper Denbigh, Bodelwyddan, Llangollen and Corwen, have benefited from training sessions as a reward for their good behaviour and citizenship within their communities across Denbighshire.

The scheme saw almost 100 children aged between 10 and 16 attend the club each week, where they were given a tour of the stadium followed by a drug, alcohol and bullying input by North Wales Police Community Police Officers and an input on home fire safety by the Fire and Rescue Service. The youngsters were then taken to the Colliers Park training ground for a two-hour training session with a qualified coach.

The initiative was arranged by PC Alyn Smith from the Community Safety Team and funded by Cymorth, a group which provides money to groups who work with young people in areas considered deprived across Denbighshire.

PC Smith said: “I wanted to come up with an initiative which enabled us to engage with well behaved young people across the county in order to break down barriers and help improve trust and confidence.

“14 youngsters were identified from each area by the local officers and youth workers as having been well behaved or who had carried out voluntary work in their communities such as litter picks.

He added: “It’s extremely pleasing to be able to offer rewards to those who just get on with life and who have pride in their communities. They are all a credit to their area and they should be really proud of themselves. I am very proud as several of them impressed coaching staff during the sessions and have been invited back for trials.”

Staff from the North Wales Fire and Rescue Service also supported the initiative and gave valuable information about fire safety in the home. Each child who attended the scheme was also offered a free home fire safety check.

PC Smith added: “Wrexham FC have been fantastic and very welcoming. They have excellent facilities and it’s fair to say that training at a ground such as Colliers Park for most of these young people is a once in a life time opportunity. On behalf of everybody involved I would like to thank them for their assistance and cooperation.


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