Ysgol Dwyran pupils assist with litter-pick

Pupils at an Anglesey primary school have helped do their bit for the environment by taking part in a litter-pick.

Organised by Keep Wales Tidy, the project involving pupils from Ysgol Dwyran, saw the children learn more about the impact of litter and the importance of recycling.

PCSO Arwel Hughes from the local Neighbourhood Policing Team assisted them on the day. He said: “I was approached by Keep Wales Tidy and asked to attend the school to assist with the project, which involved teaching the youngsters about the importance of recycling and helping to keep their community free from litter.

“During the first part of the morning, years five and six were given a DVD to watch which highlighted the recycling work being undertaken on Anglesey. The second part of the project was a questionnaire based on the DVD they had watched.”

Following the questionnaire the pupils were split into groups to carry out litter picks within the school grounds and plant daffodil bulbs.

PCSO Hughes added: “We work very closely with Keep Wales Tidy who undertakes excellent projects in the area. The youngsters all thoroughly enjoyed it and it was great to see them get involved with a project which was obviously very important to them.”

Assisting the children on the day were Gareth Owen, Vicky Reid, Gwenan Williams and Eirian Williams from Keep Wales Tidy. Gareth Owen, Project Officer said: “The pupils have done a really good job and have shown a great example to the rest of the school and the wider community about the importance of maintaining a clean and tidy environment.

“I would like to thank them for their efforts, and also thank PCSO Hughes for his assistance and support on the day. We have a very good working relationship with the local Neighbourhood Policing Team and I look forward to working with them again in the future.”

Photograph: (from left to right): Gareth Owen from Keep Wales Tody, PCSO Arwel Hughes from North Wales Police and some of the pupils
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