Ysgol Pen Barras celebrates inspection report

Pupils, teachers and governors of Ysgol Pen Barras, Ruthin are celebrating the findings of the recent Estyn school inspection.

Inspectors found:

  • The school’s performance and prospects for improvement  are good
  • Pupils across the school achieve good standards, behave very well, are enthusiastic when learning and benefit from interesting and varied learning experiences.
  • Teachers and support staff display substantial dedication to maintaining and improving standards.

The governors, staff and parents are delighted with the Estyn School Inspection Report, as it confirms

  • the high standards of achievement of the pupils
  • the inclusive and supportive ethos in the school which promotes pupils’ positive attitudes towards learning and their fellow pupils
  • the dedication and professionalism of the teachers and support staff who cope well on a site, where the school shares resources with a neighbouring school, that somewhat limits the choices available to make full use of the resources available
  • the good working relationship between the Governing Body, the teaching staff and parents
  • the school offers good value for money, as the teaching is good and this leads to good standards
  • There is an inclusive and supportive ethos in the school which promotes pupils’ positive attitudes towards learning and their fellow pupils.

The inspection team is of the view that the school will implement the recommendations of the report and ensure effective co-operation between professional staff, the Governing Body and the LEA.

In 2010, key stage 1 (up to 6 years of age) the percentage of pupils attaining Level 2 or above is higher than the family of schools, the county and the whole of Wales, in maths and science. In key stage 2 results over the past four years have been consistently good. The school’s results have been higher than those of the family of schools, in the county and Wales, in Welsh, CSI and English for the last four years.

Huw Hilditch-Roberts,  Chair of Governors, said: “This report makes very positive reading indeed. The close working relationship that exists between the governors and the school’s management to set a clear direction for the school is evident in the findings of this report.

Another key to the success at Pen Barras is the link between the school and parents/guardians. They are given information about their children’s achievements, welfare and development. The individual profiles kept in the Foundation Phase are excellent and the parents appreciate them very much.

“I would personally like to thank Geraint Williams, the acting Headteacher and staff for continuing to maintain such high standards, despite working with limited resources.

“We look forward to the continuing with the good work at Pen Barras over the coming years and striving to further improve standards at the school”.


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