Ysgol y Graig Save the River

Children from Ysgol y Graig were out in the cold weather on last week collecting rubbish on the Belgium Prom in Menai Bridge.

The pupils from years 4, 5 and 6 are part of the school’s Environmental Committee.  “The children are very committed to environmental issues and work on projects in their own time.  It is great to be out in the European Week for Waste Reduction,” said Donna Redvers Jones from Ysgol y Graig.

The children pictured have formed a group ‘Achub yr Afon / Save the River’ and are learning about litter, our rivers and the sea.  “The group are thinking about the river Cefni and how they can look after our river environments, the group has been using ‘Achub yr Afon’ as a secret code and the children are asking readers to keep their secret,” said Donna.

The Isle of Anglesey County Council Waste Section are taking the waste reduction message to the young.  “It important to educate children about reducing waste, if we talk to a 10 year old today they will hopefully become a waste aware 25 year old, in 2025, who has grasped how to reduce their waste and recycle everything possible,” says Jonathan Eastwood, Acting Chief Waste Management Officer for Isle of Anglesey County Council.  The Welsh Assembly Government through the Local Authority Recycling Advisory Committee has set a target of reducing waste by 27% by 2025.

Elin Jones Tidy Towns – Tidy Island Project Co-ordinator at Isle of Anglesey County Council works closely with schools to educate pupils on waste reduction.  “We are working with schools on Anglesey to help children understand the reduce, reuse and recycle message,” says Elin. Waitrose, Menai Bridge supported the litter pick by providing reusable bags for the children to take home.  Plastic bottles and cans collected during the litter pick were taken for recycling.

“We are committed to working together with the Anglesey residents to reduce their waste and recycle more.  We are currently recycling over 50% of our waste.  Educating the children of Anglesey about waste reduction and recycling will hopefully provide a path to a greener future,” said says Cllr Hefin Wyn Thomas, Isle of Anglesey County Council’s portfolio holder with responsibility for Waste and Recycling.

Photograph: Pupils from Ysgol y Graig ‘Achub yr Afon / Save the River’ group
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