Zoologist Makes Special Visit to Roath Park

A popular TV zoologist is lined up to attend a prize giving ceremony at Roath Park’s Terra Nova Cafe on Thursday 26 January, 2012 at 11am.

Iolo Williams will present local school children with prizes after they successfully participated in the Roath Park Friends Logo Competition.

The competition was launched by the friends group who work in partnership with Cardiff Council’s Park Services to support the prestigious park by fundraising, workdays, and events.

They invited six local schools to take part in the competition which required pupils to design a logo for the group.

Three schools participated by submitting entries: Gladstone Primary School, St Monica’s Primary School with the winning design coming from Lakeside Primary School.

Iolo Williams is a Welsh nature observer and television presenter, best known for his BBC and S4C nature shows. He will be joined at the event by local ward councilors, park staff and children from the schools.

The Friends of Roath Park were formed to assist and partner Cardiff Council in the management of what is regarded as one of the city’s most popular parks.

The group aims to promote the park in order to attract a wider audience of visitors and volunteers also assist in the maintenance in the botanic garden and Roath Park Conservatory as well as helping with events and raising funds.

Parks Friends groups have been operating in Cardiff since 1989 and have been active in supporting the council in all aspects of park management.

Executive Member for Sport, Leisure and Culture, Cllr Nigel Howells said: “Since their establishment the friends group have carried out valuable and important work within the park.

“This competition has been an excellent way for the Friends to reach out to the local community and engaging children in what is one of Cardiff’s most historic and beautiful parks.

“Congratulations to the pupils of Lakeside Primary School whose logo will go on to be seen and recognised by many.”

The Chairman of The Friends of Roath Park, David Hughes, said: “We have been very pleased by the response from the community to our activities in our first nine months as an organisation. We currently have over 70 members, and are always looking for new members.

Cardiff Council’s representatives have provided excellent support and encouragement, as has the Terra Nova cafe which allows us to use their facilities whenever we ask.

“We were delighted to receive over 80 entries from the schools who participated in the Logo competition, and it was a difficult job deciding on the winners. Two were chosen, and the resulting logo incorporates features from each of their designs.

“With the winning logo design, we will in the New Year be launching a web-site and information material for those who do not have access to computers.”

Roath Park is one of the city’s busiest parks receiving more than two million individual visits per yours.  The park also holds the prestigious Green Flag Award which has been awarded for eight consecutive years.

For more information about Friends of Roath Park please contact Membership Secretary Kate Furlong on [email protected]

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