Mayor opens new community route

Cllr Fussell, Mayor of Caerphilly County Borough Counil, has offically opened a new community access route between Trinant and Crumlin.

A special event was held recently to recognise the funding that has been received to date to improve this community access route for local residents. The route provides pedestrian and cycle access to and from Trinant, giving enhanced opportunities to the wider rights of way network and countryside and access to nearby amenities and services.

Improvement to the path is also a key feature of the Partnership’s Lost Landscapes Interpretation Project, which aims to encourage local people to take healthy walks and provide opportunities for local people and visitors to learn about and enjoy their heritage.

The access improvements to the path, which is known locally as the ‘dram road’, has been part of a long term project by Trinant and Pentwyn Community Partnership to improve community access routes from the village of Trinant. Funding has been sourced from a number of sources including Entrust, the Key Fund, CCBC, the Local Environment Quality Fund and Environment Wales Trust. The success of the project is thanks to the ongoing support from partner organisations, land owners and the Rights of Way department in CCBC.

Trinant and Pentwyn Community Partnership are a voluntary organisation established as part of the Welsh Assembly Government’s flagship regeneration programme Communities First, which empowers local people to be involved in making decisions to improve their community. For more information, please contact Rachael Clarke on 01443 864226.


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