Food Inc

To celebrate this year’s Fair-Trade  fortnight, Chapter is presenting a series of unique  events and distinguished guests. We kick off on Friday  19 February with a screening of Food Inc, the Oscar  nominated documentary, followed by a special panel  discussion featuring the following special guests;  Chaired by: Steve Garrett (Director Riverside Community Market Association)  Simon Michaels (F3 and Wales Sustainable Supply Chain  Initiative)  Roberta Sonnino (Cardiff University-food writer and  researcher)  Katie Jones (Federation of City Farms and Community  Gardens)  Peter Segger (Soil Association).

Also attending the event are a selection of local  fair-trade stockists who’ll be providing a range of  ethically sourced goods from around the world.   This is an exceptional opportunity to engage with  some of Wales’ most influential food experts.

Early  booking is recommended to avoid disappointment.   Chapter is a proud supporter of Fair-trade Fortnight  and we’ve already begun our contribution to this year’s  Big Swap. Why not come join us in our café for a cup of  fair-trade coffee and see how you can help make a  difference.

Food Inc. USA/2009/94 mins/PG. Dir: Robert Kenner.  With Michael Pollan, Eric Schlosser.  This eye-opening documentary, featuring Fast Food  Nation’s Eric Schlosser, will convince you to never look  at the food on your plate in the same way again. Our UK  Chefs have recently been warning us of the pitfalls of  modern meat farming but Food, Inc goes much further. It  looks at how the international food industry puts profit  before the safety of workers, the livelihood of the  farmers, the environment and consumer health. Exploring  the bigger-breasted chicken, the perfect pork chop,  insecticide-resistant soybean and tomatoes that won’t go  bad, this is one of the US highest grossing independent  films of the year.

For more information on Chapter’s fair-trade events  please visit our website.


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