Council reminds householders about rubbish

A few simple checks can prevent a court appearance.

Neath Port Talbot Council is reminding householders that it is their responsibility to make sure any rubbish is disposed of legally.

The Council is operating a zero tolerance policy on flytipping and will prosecute any breaches to ensure Neath Port Talbot is a clean and safe county borough.

The law says that when passing waste to another person to get rid of for you, then the legal responsibility is on you to make sure that they have a valid waste carrier licence.

Not to do so may be an offence which can lead to prosecution and a court appearance if that waste ends up being flytipped.

A legitimate waste carrier will be able to produce a waste carrier’s licence and a receipt for the money paid to them for carrying out the work. But it is up to the householder to ensure that the waste carrier’s licence is in order.

Rogue traders offering a cheap service can trick householders into thinking everything is above board but the waste is being illegally dumped.

The likelihood then is that it will be traced back to the householder by waste enforcement officers and no documents can be produced as evidence.

Council solicitors have been extremely successful in recent prosecutions but Council Leader, Ali Thomas, is keen to remind residents of their duty of care in disposing household waste.

He said, “Flytipping will not be tolerated in this county borough and residents must safeguard themselves in any dealings with waste carriers.

“Producing a licence should cause no difficulty for a legitimate waste carrier.”

The Council offers a free bulk collection service for large items of domestic waste and the three item limit no longer applies. Arrangements can be made by ringing 01639 686868


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