Megan’s zebra gets her a new bike

A competition to design a new mascot to front road safety campaigns in the county has been won by Megan Wigmore, a pupil at Narberth CP School. 

‘Ziggy the Zebra’ by Megan was chosen out of more than 1,000 entries in the competition run by Pembrokeshire County Council’s Road Safety Team. 

The friendly cartoon-style zebra will encourage children and adults alike to be careful when near or using our county roads. 

“Choosing the best mascot was very difficult with many excellent entries from schools all over Pembrokeshire,” said Kirstie Donoghue from the Council’s Road Safety Team.

Megan won a bike from Mike’s Bikes in Haverfordwest, and 12 runners-up from various schools each won a rear flashing frog light for their bike, and a voucher for Argos.

Pictured is Megan Wigmore receiving her new bike with (left to right) Jeanette John (Road Safety Team), Edna Davies (Head of Narberth School) and Kirstie Donoghue (Road Safety Team).


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