Don’t let thieves take advantage of the warm weather

Police in Wrexham are urging householders to be on their guard against thieves as a summer crime prevention campaign gets underway.

Leaving doors and windows open during hot and muggy weather is often a temptation to opportunist thieves keen to steal handbags, car keys, flat screen televisions and lap top computers – valuable items, but easily taken.

And Wrexham, like many places all over the country, has had a recent spate of burglaries where the thieves didn’t to force their way into a home, but have simply gained access through open or unlocked doors, windows and gates.

As part of the campaign to encourage residents to take precautions and to track down thieves the Wrexham Community Safety Partnership is helping to fund a Smartwater initiative, at selected homes whereby property, such as flat screen TVs will be security marked with invisible Smartwater.

Anyone who steals the TV will be left with traces of the Smartwater on their hands which can be picked up by police using special ultra-violet detectors. Wrexham Town Inspector Alex Goss said: “The hot and sticky weather can make people careless when it comes to home security, but a few simple precautions can keep uninvited guests out and prevent unnecessary distress and bother for householders and their families.

“We will be working with our partners in the Wrexham Community Safety Partnership on a number of initiatives over the coming months to crack down on burglary and raise security awareness with Wrexham residents.

“In the meantime I would recommend some simple steps to combat the thieves:

  • Close and lock all doors and windows, even if out for a short time. When you are at home, it is advisable to keep doors locked.
  • Make sure the side or back gate is shut and locked.
  • Lock the shed or garage.
  • Make sure that valuables, such as handbags, wallets and laptops are out of sight.
  • Put keys out of reach of windows and doors.
  • Make sure the curtains are shut and some lights are on, if you are going out in the evening.
  • Do not leave bicycles or gardening equipment out.
  • Set your burglar alarm.
  • Install security lighting. Thieves feel vulnerable and observed – they are more likely to target darkened locations.
  • Cancel milk and newspaper deliveries if you are away on holiday.
  • Be a good neighbour and report all suspicious incidents to the police.
  • Ask a neighbour to collect your mail or make sure it is pushed through the letter box if you are away on holiday.”

For non emergencies call 101. Crime Prevention Advice is available from your local Neighbourhood Policing Teams or check out the North Wales Police website on the Internet for further advice.


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