Bus station pleases passengers

Swansea’s new city bus station has proven a hit with bus passengers following the first week of operation.

Thousands have already visited the transport terminal to catch their bus and the signs are looking good for public transport companies operating from the transport hub.

Colin Fox, First Bus Divisional Manager, said: “Everyone is really pleased with the new bus station.

“The new facility is generating a huge amount of interest and the early signs show more people are using our buses because of it.

“Our drivers tell us that passengers are a lot happier and everyone is delighted to have all the bus services back in one location.”

John Hague, Cabinet Member for the Environment in Swansea, said the new bus station was something everyone in the city could be proud of.

He said: “Swansea now has a passenger transport terminal that can compete with the best the UK has to offer.

“I’m really thrilled we have been able to pull out all the stops to get this wonderful facility open in time for the Christmas period.

“There is still some work to be completed and this will be done during the next few months but the important thing is that the bus station is open and passengers can catch their bus from there.”

Swansea Council bus station manager Richard Stafford said his team of rangers has been busy helping passengers during the week and passengers have been quick to pass on their views.

Mr Stafford said: “The first week has gone really well. Rangers have been busy helping passengers on to their buses.

“It’s great that passengers are being really positive and saying nice things.”

Brian Griffiths, originally from Port Talbot but now a resident in Brisbane, reckons the new station compares well to anything his adopted home has to offer.

He said: “It compares more than favourably with anything in Brisbane. In fact, I don’t think you could get better anywhere in the country.”

The project has received significant funding from the Welsh Assembly Government and the Wales European Funding Office.

Visit www.swanseacitycentre.com/busstation for more information about the Swansea City Bus Station redevelopment and the new information leaflet.

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