Davies: Jones “dithering” over manufacturing

The Acting Leader of the Welsh Conservatives in the Assembly has accused the First Minister of “dithering” over the future of manufacturing in Wales.

Carwyn Jones has today rejected calls for a Welsh Government manufacturing strategy during First Minister’s Questions, despite previous assurances that one would be published.

Asked when Wales could expect a strategy by Acting Leader Paul Davies AM, the First Minister referred back to a 12 page document compiled by the Manufacturing Forum.

Mr Davies said: ““The First Minister is dithering over the future of manufacturing. He doesn’t know what’s best for the Welsh economy and he’s stalling on critical issues.

“The Manufacturing Forum’s document is important and we have always welcomed it. What it does not constitute is a government strategy, which Carwyn Jones promised as recently as March, before changing his mind.

“Manufacturing is a vitally important part of Welsh industry and plays a crucial role in our economy, yet the First Minister appears to ignore it. It’s clear to me that he simply doesn’t know what to do.

“He’s stalling on enterprise zones and he’s dithering on manufacturing. These issues demand progress and conviction. It’s about time they got it.”


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