Davies: Welsh Conservative priorities

Welsh Conservatives have set out the priorities they expect to see in the First Minister’s Programme for Government.

Group Leader in the Assembly, Andrew RT Davies AM, has highlighted enterprise, health and education as key considerations.

Welsh Conservatives were the only Party to publish a detailed and clear legislative programme ahead of the Assembly election. 11 Bill proposals were included in A New Voice for Wales.

Speaking ahead of today’s Programme for Government statement, Mr Davies said:

“Our manifesto – and the legislative programme within it – was very clear on Welsh Conservative priorities, and we stick by it.

“It’s absolutely essential that we foster the growth of the private sector and any responsible Programme for Government will set out how a strong business culture is going to be built and promoted. That’s what attracts inward investment and that’s what will help us grow the economy.

“There’s no question it should be one of the First Minister’s ‘targets’.

“Welsh Conservatives would protect the health budget for the next four years and create a ten million pounds Cancer Drugs Fund. Waiting lists in Wales are completely out of control, frontline staff are being cut and hospitals are under threat.

“It’s time to reverse cuts to the health budget and get our NHS back on track.

“We would invest in education to give teachers, parents and governors a greater say. Direct funding of schools would save a hundred million pounds in bureaucracy and red tape.

“Labour has shown a clear inability to succeed. In Health. In Education. And on the economy. It has failed to deliver over the last ten years and there is no reason to believe this Assembly term will be any different.

“Its legislative programme has been criticised for its lack of substance and the competency of these Ministers can legitimately be questioned.

“Unless the right priorities are focused on – what confidence can we have in this Government?”


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