Review of education in Edeyrnion – the latest

Denbighshire County Council is to publish statutory notices regarding proposals for schools in the Edeyrnion area.

After a tough and lengthy debate at the Denbighshire Cabinet meeting today (Tuesday), Members unanimously agreed to two main proposals:

Proposal 1:  To publish a statutory notice on the proposal to create a Welsh medium area school serving the communities of Cynwyd and Llandrillo on the existing school sites from 1 September 2012, moving to a single site in Cynwyd following the completion of extension and refurbishment works.

Proposal 2: To approve the publication of a statutory notice on the proposal to close Ysgol Glyndyfrdwy from 31 August, 2012 and transfer pupils to Ysgol y Gwernant, Llangollen, subject to parental preference.

Cabinet also agreed that the savings generated from the review of primary school provision in the Edeyrnion area should be used for prudential borrowing to secure the capital necessary to complete the extension and refurbishment works at the new area school. This would enable the new school to relocate to one site in Cynwyd no later than September 2014.

Councillor Eryl Williams, Cabinet Lead Member for Education, said:  “We recognise there are concerns in these communities about the proposals and we have arranged numerous consultation meetings to explain the rationale behind what we are proposing.

“We also extended the consultation date following a request to do so from the communities themselves.

“With any reorganisations there are always difficult decisions to make,  but doing nothing is simply not an option as there are real issues around surplus places, headteachers recruitment and the use of mobile accommodation.

“Modernising education is a priority for the council because it  recognises the need of having school buildings, resources and learning environments that are fit for the 21st century”.

If any objections are received, then the matter must be decided by the Welsh Government.  If no objections are received, then the matter will be decided by Denbighshire County Council.


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