Countdown to Admissions Deadline

There’s still a few days left for parents of children who are due to start primary school or transfer to secondary school in September 2012 to submit their forms for their preferred schools.

Preference forms for all applications to primary and secondary schools must be returned to the Council’s Admissions office by December 5, 2011 (12 noon) which is the published closing date for all applications. If parents do not submit their forms by this date, their options will not be considered in the first round of applications.

Preference forms were sent out for all applications to primary and secondary schools earlier this term and while most parents will know the local schools in their area and which one they would like their child to attend, the forms must be submitted to the Council for consideration in time.

Parents will be notified of the results of their application in March 2012.

Executive Member for Education and Lifelong Learning, Cllr Freda Salway, said: “There are now only a few days left for parents to let the Council know which is their preferred school option for their child to attend. There is a strict deadline of December 5 for applications so it’s extremely important that forms are submitted in time for preferences to be considered in the first round of applications.”

For further information on school admissions, please contact the Admissions office on 029 2087 3816 or visit


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