Worrying survey reveals mental strain on teachers

Paul_Davies100New research which reveals that more than a quarter of primary school teachers have suffered mental health problems after dealing with disruptive pupils is cause for concern says Preseli Pembrokeshire AM Paul Davies.

The survey by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) showed that teachers believe primary schoolchildren are becoming increasingly aggressive.

Mr Davies, who is the shadow Welsh Education Minister, said: “These survey results are very worrying, especially the fact that more than half of primary school teachers believe the behaviour of pupils has become worse in the past five years.

“I have visited a large number of primary schools in Pembrokeshire during my time as an Assembly Member and while I do not think this is a major problem in this area, many schools do have at least a few disruptive pupils.”

The survey showed that 76% of teachers think pupils are becoming more aggressive at an earlier age and that 26.5% of teachers had suffered mental heath problems after dealing with disruptive pupils.

Mr Davies added: “I think there are a number of things that can be done to help with behavioural issues – one is to ensure that children are getting enough exercise and enough sleep.

“Sleep deprived children are known to be more aggressive and parents can also help by monitoring the levels of violence on the computer and video games their children play.”


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