Leanne urges action on climate change

On the fifth annual WWF Earth Hour, Plaid Cymru’s leader Leanne Wood has urged more action on climate change to prepare for a more sustainable future. She has urged individuals from Wales to join with campaigners and cities across the globe to commemorate Earth Hour 2012 by switching off their lights for an hour.

Earth Hour is a global call for action to stand up, take responsibility for climate change and prepare for a sustainable future. The simple action of turning lights off for an hour helps spread the message that our dependency on non-renewable energy is unsustainable, and that urgent action is needed to combat climate change.

Plaid Cymru’s leader Leanne Wood said:

“Earth Hour is an important occasion to join with nations across the globe to demonstrate our commitment to taking action on climate change. The small action of turning off our lights for an hour is demonstrative of our bigger commitment to reducing dependency on fossil fuels, to slow climate change and to build for a green, sustainable future. It also demonstrates that every one of us can play a part in bringing about this change.

“Plaid Cymru is committed to making Wales a more sustainable nation. We have put forward plans to harness the natural resources that we have in abundance to ensure that Wales has a supply of green, renewable energy. We have also called for all energy powers to be devolved to Wales so that we can manage our resources and plan for our future.

“Everyone has a part to play in tackling climate change, and while we press on governments at all levels to legislate for change, we can all take small actions in our daily lives that added together will result in a significant impact. That is the message of Earth Hour, and that is my message too.”


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