Davies: Only Welsh Conservatives Will Protect NHS Budget

Paul_Davies_AMCommenting on the announcement that Plaid Cymru and the Welsh Liberal Democrats have struck a deal with Labour over the Welsh Government’s budget plans, Paul Davies AM, Shadow Minister for Finance, said:

“Once again, Plaid Cymru and the Liberal Democrats are propping up a tired and lazy Labour government.

“It is sad to see Plaid Cymru and the Lib Dems throwing in the towel at this early stage and endorsing Labour’s record-breaking cuts to the Welsh NHS, which has already seen its budget slashed by 8.6% by Labour Ministers since 2010.

“In the Welsh NHS, patients are waiting too long for treatment in overstretched A&E departments, while cancer patients are denied life-extending treatments because of previous budget deals by Labour, the nationalists and the Lib Dems.

“This deal shows that the Welsh Conservatives remain the only opposition to the cosy socialist consensus and the only advocates of a truly well-funded National Health Service.

“Given Labour’s record of smoke and mirrors budgets, claims of additional funding for the NHS require scrutiny and are simply a fig leaf for Labour’s recognition that they have starved the Welsh NHS of cash, letting down patients and staff.

“We will continue to campaign to reverse Labour’s NHS cuts.”

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