Aberystwyth Pitching for Pudsey

This week, in the run up to Children in Need, staff at the Careers Service at Aberystwyth University are asking students to pitch a career choice for Pudsey.

With the aim of raising funds for Children in Need whilst also asking students to consider not only Pudsey’s choice of future career but their own, the Careers Service will be spending three days engaging with students in and around Aberystwyth University’s Guild of Students.

“We’re hoping to raise a reasonable amount of money for Children in Need by asking people to donate when they choose a future job for Pudsey.” explains Carolyn Parry, Acting Deputy Director for the Careers Advisory Service.  “We’re also raising awareness of the services we provide to students and graduates of the University in helping them to choose and develop their own career.  Students participating in this fundraising exercise will also be photographed with their suggested choice and their photos will be uploaded to the Careers’ Facebook page.”

Ben Meakin, President of Aberystwyth University Guild of Students commented: “This is a great way to involve our students in such a way that not only raises money for charity but also makes them think about how they’d like their own career to develop.”

The photographs will be added during this week and other students will be invited to vote for their favourite career choice with the winning entrant being rewarded with a prize of a dining out voucher worth £40. The photographs can be viewed at www.facebook.com/abercareers.

The Careers Service, based on the Penglais Campus, offers students and graduates a range of services which help individuals to make an effective career choice, try out different career options through work experience and other opportunities available to them whilst at University and make the transition to employment, further study or a gap year much easier when they graduate.

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