Ace animators share top tips

Experts from one of the world’s top animation companies have visited Swansea to help local schoolchildren contribute to a movie being made next year.

Ace artists from Aardman Animations, the company behind the smash hit Wallace and Gromit series, have been holding workshops with schoolchildren in the city’s Glynn Vivian Art Gallery.

Children from the primary schools of Clwyd, Waun Wen and Seaview have been helping develop characters, storylines and backgrounds as part of the Tate Movie Project- a scheme that will see children across the UK aged between five and 13 contributing their ideas for an animated movie.

Children taking part have been using laptops and specialist animation technology to help upload their ideas on to the Tate Movie website.

The Glynn Vivian Art Gallery is run by Swansea Council.

Marketing Officer Laura Sims said: “Aardman is a leading animations company and it’s wonderful that some of their experts have been able to visit the Glynn Vivian and work with local schoolchildren.

“The process has given many children the opportunity to try out the first-class technology and to understand how modern day animated features are put together.

“It’s been a hugely enjoyable and beneficial experience for all who have taken part and we all look forward to potentially seeing some of the ideas born in Swansea gracing the silver screen.”

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