A&E waiting times manipulation concern

Welsh Conservatives today expressed concerns that many Accident & Emergency admissions could be aimed at helping LHBs meet waiting time targets rather than based on clinical need.

Figures uncovered by Shadow Health Minister Andrew RT Davies show a massive rise in the number of hospital admissions in the final minutes before reaching the A&E target waiting time of 4 hours.

In Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board, for example, 1,773 people were admitted to hospital after waits of between 3hrs 30 and 3h 45, yet between 3hrs 45 and 4hrs this rose to 4,256.

Andrew RT Davies said, “These figures show that many A&E departments across Wales are prioritising patients in the final 15 minutes before the 4 hour target is breached.  I fear that instead of based on clinical need, such admissions appear to be target-driven.

“These increases in admissions in the final minutes of the four hour wait suggest that some patients are being admitted to hospital needlessly to improve the appearance of bureaucratic targets.

“I am concerned that targets introduced with the intention of reducing waiting times appear to be subject to manipulation to improve NHS statistics.

“Patients need to have confidence that NHS services are delivered and prioritised based on medical assessments rather than abstract ministerial targets.

“I would urge the Minister to examine the impact that waiting time targets are having as these figures suggest they could be compromising patient care.

“We need to hear reassurances from the Minister that the NHS is driven by the health needs of patients and not targets set by politicians.”


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