Age Cymru Gwanwyn Festival of the Arts for Older People in Wales

Gwanwyn Festival of the Arts – Art and Craft Mill, Holywell

At the Art and Craft Mill in Holywell, next door to St Winefride’s Well: storytelling and garland making will be on Saturday 7 May at 10 am and at 1.30 pm. Guided meditation and circle & line dancing will take place on Saturday 14 May at 10 am and 1 pm. Cost – £3 per person and places are limited to 20 per session.

The national Gwanwyn (meaning Springtime) Festival in Wales is aimed at creating a celebration of the creative arts and expression of people, primarily but not exclusively, over the age of 50. The festival activities take place over the month of May providing opportunities to participate in the arts, whether visual arts, drama, storytelling, music, literature, photography, dance or film.

This year’s Gwanwyn Festival in Flintshire will offer creative workshops and events, some being delivered by older tutors who will be sharing their knowledge, wisdom and craft. Two days of events will take place at the Art and Craft Mill in Holywell, next door to St. Winefride’s Well, on Saturday 7 and Saturday 14 May.

‘Kings and Queens of the May’ is the first day’s event which involves storytelling with Fiona Collins and garland making with Kim Disley. The participants will develop their own stories which will be performed in the Mill café and will be open to the general public.

The second day’s event, ‘Visions and Dance of the May’ involves a guided meditation by an experienced Yoga teacher, Myra Roulston, followed by Circle & Line Dancing with NEWDance.

Two identical sessions will be run on each day. The storytelling and garland making will be on Saturday 7 May at 10 am and at 1.30 pm. The guided meditation and circle & line dancing will take place on Saturday 14 May at 10 am and 1 pm. Each session costs £3 per person and places are limited to 20 per session.

To book a place contact Beth Ditson, Community Events Officer, Flintshire County Council; tel: 01352 702472, email: [email protected].


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