All Wales Anti Mobile Phone Driving Campaign

Almost 2000 motorists were caught driving whilst using a mobile phone during the first All Wales Anti Mobile Phone Driving Campaign.

The campaign was the first of its kind in Wales, and aimed to raise awareness amongst motorists about the real dangers involved when drivers break the law through phoning or texting at the wheel.

Through April, officers from all Welsh Forces carried out proactive patrols to target motorists who endanger other road users through this behaviour, and educated drivers on the penalties they face if caught.

During the month-long campaign, officers detected a total of 1949 mobile phone driving offences.

South Wales Police issued 847 fixed penalty notices to law-breakers, while in Gwent, a total of 426 were issued. In the Dyfed Powys force area, 498 notices were given, while in North Wales a total of 171 offenders were caught and apprehended.

Results show that men over the age of 25 were the worst culprits, receiving 54% (1045) of the fixed penalty notices that were issued during the campaign.

Men under the age of 25 came in second, receiving 375 fixed penalty notices, followed closely by women aged over 25, who were given 339.

Officers also caught 9 people who were supervising learner drivers on their mobile phones.

T/Assistant Chief Constable Richard Lewis of South Wales Police said:

“It is unacceptable that almost 2000 drivers have chosen to ignore the message that driving whilst using a mobile phone is dangerous and potentially life-threatening.

“Over 70% of drivers caught were in the over 25 age group, and these more experienced road-users should really know better, and should be setting an example to younger motorists.

“We’re urging the public to recognise that answering that ‘quick’ call at the wheel or texting at the traffic lights is just not worth the risk. If you choose to use your phone at the wheel, you’re choosing to endanger the lives of others as well as yourself.

“Driving whilst using your mobile phone affects your ability to concentrate and react to your surroundings in the same way that drink-driving does. That momentary lapse in concentration is all it takes to cause a serious or fatal collision, and there’s no excuse for it.”

The four Welsh Police Forces, led by South Wales Police, in partnership with Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council, the Welsh Assembly Government, and Road Safety Wales, launched the campaign on Tuesday 23rd March 2010 at the Aberavon Shopping Centre, Port Talbot.

Mr Lewis added: “Although penalties have increased to a minimum £60 fine and three points on your driving license, these results show that a minority of road-users are still behaving irresponsibly. Those who are caught face the possibility of disqualification from driving, and could end up in court with a £1500 fine and a prison sentence.

“We will continue to take a zero-tolerance approach to this crime, so that irresponsible road users who persist to ignore the dangers and risk others are dealt with appropriately.”


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