AM and MP React to 500 Carmarthenshire County Job Losses

Local politicians have warned that Carmarthenshire County Council’s announcement that between 400 – 500 jobs could be lost due to spending cutbacks will have a devastating impact on the county’s workforce.  Rhodri Glyn Thomas AM and Jonathan Edwards MP have issued their concern and will now be writing to the council to arrange a meeting to discuss the potential impact and how support can be given to those facing unemployment.

Rhodri Glyn Thomas AM added:

“This is obviously devastating news for people in the county.  I think it is important that we now move to arrange a meeting with the council to discuss their proposals and to do everything possible to try and ensure that all possible avenues are explored before jobs are cut.  I will be taking this matter up with the Welsh Assembly government in order to ensure that everything is done from that end in terms of seeking to increase job opportunities and training in the county.”

Jonathan Edwards MP said:

“There is already a high level of unemployment in the county and so clearly talk of slashing anything up to 500 jobs will be a hammer blow.  Unfortunately Labour’s mismanagement of the economy, coupled with the Tory-Lib Dems savage cuts means job losses are inevitable.  We will of course do everything that we can to support those who do face the prospect of being made unemployed and will be asking for a meeting with the council to try and keep those job losses at a minimum.

What is certain is that these job cuts should not be a bulk cull of the lowest paid employees.  The council will need to look at its approach holistically with cut backs being targeted also at remuneration packages of senior officers”

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