AM Fights Heart Disease by Ramping Up The Red in the Mold BHF Shop

North Wales Assembly Member Mark Isherwood with Yvonne Reid, Assistant Manager at the Mold British Heart Foundation shop supporting the charity’s ‘Ramp up the Red’ campaign

North Wales Assembly Member Mark Isherwood with Yvonne Reid, Assistant Manager at the Mold British Heart Foundation shop supporting the charity’s ‘Ramp up the Red’ campaign

North Wales Assembly Member Mark Isherwood supported British Heart Foundation (BHF) Cymru on Friday when he was invited to write his own love note in the shop’s window to support the charity’s main fundraising event, ‘Ramp up the Red’.

Mr Isherwood met shop staff and volunteers to hear how BHF Cymru shops raise vital funds for life-saving research. During the visit he added his voice to the call for people to Ramp up the Red this February.

Mike Taylor, BHF Cymru’s Retail Director said:

“Writing a Love Note will help turn our shop windows red and support the BHF’s flagship fundraising campaign, Ramp up the Red.  We are asking people to  pay £2 for each love note in our shop window,  or arrange their own Ramp up the Red fundraising event such as hosting a red-themed party or baking some red-coloured treats.”

Mr Isherwood said:

“There are 26,904 adults in my North Wales Regional constituency living with heart disease – a devastating disease which can affect anyone, from babies to grandparents.  I am delighted to help raise awareness of heart disease locally by taking part in Ramp up the Red and supporting the local BHF shop by placing a love note in its window. My heart-shaped note in the shop window urges people in my constituency to support the charity’s Ramp up in Red fundraising campaign to join the fight against heart disease.”

Coronary heart disease is the Wales’ single biggest killer, responsible for over 4,600 deaths each year in Wales – that’s an average of 12 people each day and over 125,500 people living with coronary heart disease in Wales.

Mike Taylor, Retail Director at the BHF Cymru, added:

“We wanted to show AMs just how important our shops are – without our shop staff, including 1,000 volunteers across Wales we simply couldn’t continue our life-saving work.. We are delighted that  Mr Isherwood showed his support for our work. All the money raised will help us truly fight for every heartbeat.”

For more information about Ramp up the Red or to donate please visit

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