New Dean of Llandaff Announced

Revd Gerwyn Capon

Revd Gerwyn Capon

A former commercial property developer and Archbishop’s chaplain will be the new Dean of Llandaff Cathedral.

The Revd Gerwyn Capon, currently Chaplain to the Archbishop of Wales, will be installed as Dean of Llandaff on February 28.

Before ordination Gerwyn, from Anglesey,  was a Chartered Surveyor and partner in a commercial property firm, a background that was recognised when he worked in the Church of England as an adviser for the Church Urban Fund and Liverpool’s Diocesan Advisory Committee. He served a curacy in a large inner city parish in that city and has served as an incumbent of a church in the Diocese of Blackburn.”

Gerwyn, 48, came to Llandaff as Chaplain to the Archbishop of Wales, Dr Barry Morgan, in 2007 when he also served as Diocesan Director of Ordinands. He left in 2009 to serve in Blackburn diocese but returned as Archbishop’s Chaplain in 2012.

Announcing the appointment, the Archbishop said,

“I have every confidence that Gerwyn will be an excellent dean and parish priest. He has been a great help to me and I know he will bring those gifts of tact, strength and commitment to what will be a demanding new role for him.

“He is a good liturgist; he is pastorally sensitive and warm in his dealings with people. He is perceptive and energetic and can be firm and resolute when facing challenges and opportunities.”

Gerwyn said,

“To be Dean of Llandaff is a wonderful opportunity for any priest: to have been entrusted by the Archbishop to take on this role I take as a great privilege, knowing the responsibilities it carries.

“I have already received a whole lot of support and encouragement from the cathedral community and many of my fellow clergy in the diocese. It has served to remind me that I will not be alone in this wonderful endeavour. Together we will continue to hold open the doors of this beautiful church so that all may encounter the profundity of God’s presence in our world and to help His people connect with the message of unconditional love and reconciliation that is and celebrated here.

“I am looking forward with a deep sense of joy and anticipation to being Dean of this cathedral, the Vicar of its parish and a priest to all those who come here and find belonging.”

Gerwyn will be installed as Dean at Evensong on February 28 at 6pm. All are welcome to attend.


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