AM Hosts Celebration of Rural Business

photo2Rebecca Evans, Assembly Member for Mid and West Wales welcomed the Country Landowners Association (CLA) Cymru and many of its member businesses to the Senedd this week, to showcase their goods and services and to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing rural Wales.

At the well-attended event sponsored by Mrs Evans, CLA members from across Wales were praised for the contribution that the rural economy makes to Welsh life.

Rebecca Evans AM said: “It was a pleasure to host the CLA summer reception at the Senedd to celebrate rural business, and to offer a showcase for some of our most successful and exciting enterprises.

“The event provided an opportunity to understand more about the barriers to rural business and to hear ideas as to how those barriers can be broken down. I took the opportunity to ask business people from across rural Wales about the secrets to the success of their businesses, and explore how we can support that success and replicate that success across rural Wales.”

The Minister for Natural Resources and Food, Alun Davies, in his keynote speech talked about how the Welsh Government is working to deliver the long term success of rural economy – a future which is modern and competitive, one which delivers jobs and growth for people living in rural Wales, and which enhances the social and cultural cohesion of rural Wales.

Speaking at the event, Mrs Evans said: “We cannot overstate the contribution that the rural economy makes to Welsh life and the prosperity of Wales. I am delighted to celebrate that in the Senedd today.”

CLA Cymru chairman Ant Griffith thanked Rebecca Evans AM for hosting the reception along with all the guests and the diverse range of CLA members who were at the event representing their businesses.

He commented: “This is a wonderful opportunity to bring our members closer to the decision makers so that suitable conditions are created on which we can thrive.  Forging closer relationships can never be over-stated. We welcome the opportunity to share our thought and concerns here tonight.

“Unlike our English counterparts rural businesses in Wales are a significant contributor to Welsh GDP and we boast some of the most innovative young entrepreneurs who are the cornerstone of private enterprise in our beautiful countryside.”

“Our members are at the forefront of rural diversification. They create sustainable resilient exporting businesses fit for the future. Whether this is at the Rhug putting Welsh organic beef in the best restaurants in Hong Kong, or a thriving timber business like Coed Dinefwr, or web designers like Agri-Wales, this IS rural Wales competing on a national and international stage, all growing out of traditional farming businesses.”

The Country Landowners Association Cymru provides a voice for businesses in rural Wales. It has more than 3,500 members, representing over 260 different types of rural business.


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