AM seeks firm commitment on Newtown Bypass

Montgomeryshire AM, Russell George, has called on the new Welsh Government to firmly commit to the delivery timetable of the Newtown Bypass.

In Plenary today (8th June) Mr George asked the Leader of the House, Jane Hutt, if the new minister responsible for the transport portfolio would bring forward an update statement regarding the delivery progress of the National Transport Plan, of which the development of the Newtown Bypass was a key element.

Commenting, Russell George said:

“Interventions around the A483 at Newtown must be a priority. I believe that this section of road is a key strategic corridor for transport across the whole of Wales – both north to south and east to west – and has been a road ‘pinch-point’ for far too long.

“The former Deputy First Minister, Ieuan Wyn Jones, gave his commitment to my colleague Glyn Davies only a few months ago, that the project would happen and that the project would be started and delivered on time.

“However, now that we have a new Government and a new Minister, I want complete assurances that the Government is still fully committed to the Newton bypass and that there will be no slippage on the dates set-out by the previous government last year.

“I am also seeking assurances from the Government that when the tender process starts, they will do all they can to ensure that local businesses are given a real opportunity to secure the contracts that will come from this multi-million pound development.”

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