AM Welcomes £2.3 Million of Funding to Help Support Child Care in Wales

Rebecca EvansMid and West Wales Assembly Member, Rebecca Evans AM, has welcomed the news that the Welsh Government that it is providing an additional £2.3 million of funding for local authorities across Wales to offer support for quality, affordable child care out of school hours.

Welcoming the funding, Mrs Evans said:

“Inaccessible or overly expensive childcare at the start and end of the school day is one factor that prevents people from going back to work once they have started a family. I hope that this funding helps bridge that gap in provision.

“I am particularly pleased to see a focus on the provision of childcare for families with disabled children, for whom some regular respite can be a lifeline. Just a few hours of childcare can allow the parents and siblings of disabled children a chance to recharge their batteries, or attend to the other household, work or family responsibilities that can build up.

“I am also glad that the Welsh Government has recognised the need to increase access to childcare in rural Wales.”

The Out of School Childcare Grant helps local authorities to assist families who wish to access childcare before and after the school day. It provides all local authorities with additional funds to coordinate and run wrap-around care for children, helping parents and carers to work, train or study for future employment.

As well as childcare, the funding can be used to support holiday clubs and play schemes during the school holidays, supporting working parents.

The money, for the financial year 2014 /15, can be used for a wide range of activities that support childcare, including:

  • Childcare provision for disadvantaged families.
  • Specialised one-to-one childcare for disabled children.
  • High quality training for childcare providers.
  • Start-up grants for childcare providers, especially in rural areas of Wales.
  • Support for childcare provision in the medium of Welsh.

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