AM Welcomes Council U-Turn on Waste Transfer

Caerphilly County Borough Council has been pushed into a climb-down over plans to open a waste transfer station at Trehir at a cost of £6 million.

Following Labour’s campaign to abandon the costly proposal, the Council’s draft financial plan, prepared by officers, makes no mention of the waste transfer station.

Local Labour AM Jeff Cuthbert welcomed the change of heart and said “I fully support the Labour Group on Caerphilly Council. If this change is supported in Council it will ensure that millions will not now be wasted and can be put toward employing front line staff.”

Labour Group Leader Harry Andrews added “We have been campaigning against this wasteful proposal for some time and we are delighted that we will have an opportunity to make Plaid rethink this.”

The U-turn will need to be endorsed at a meeting of full Council to agree the financial plan in February.

Photograph: Jeff Cuthbert, Wayne David MP, County Councillors Ray Davies and Liz Aldworth, and Community Councillor Barbara Jones

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