AM Welcomes Support for Domestic Abuse Charity

Organisations that support domestic abuse victims in Wales have benefited from an additional £2.5 million of Welsh Assembly Government funding which will be used to provide facilities and support services for domestic abuse victims and their children. Caerphilly AM Jeff Cuthbert welcomed the £180,000 in capital funding which was awarded to the Safer Caerphilly One Stop Shop for the 2010/11 year.

This latest funding is in addition to the £4.3 million already spent on domestic abuse support services over the past year and recently the Social Justice Minister announced his pledge to protect the domestic abuse budget for the 2011 financial year.

Local AM Jeff Cuthbert said:

“Domestic abuse affects all members of the family, from the person on the receiving end to the children who witness violent behaviour. No-one should feel threatened or scared in their own home and I am committed to supporting victims in everyway that I can.

“These organisations work tirelessly to take victims out of harms way and help them to rebuild their lives. Their work is inspiring with so many innovative approaches to tackling domestic abuse, such as installing safety devises which allow victims to live in safety in the comfort of their own home.

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