An Outstanding Bilingual School

The implementation of bilingual policy in a Denbighshire primary school has been described as “outstanding” by school inspectors.

This was the description used by Estyn to describe not only the “equal respect to both languages” at Ysgol Llanfair Dyffryn Clwyd, but also to the bilingual proficiency of pupils.

In its analysis of the seven key questions examined at Ysgol Llanfair, including teaching and assessment, leadership and management and the achievement of the children, the school received one grade 1 and six grade 2s.  89% of the lessons were judged to be good or better with 39% of the lessons given the top grade 1.

There were also outstanding features in the spiritual, moral, personal, social and cultural development of learners.

Headteacher, Mrs Llinos Hughes, was strongly praised  for having “firm values “ and offering clear guidance to the school. She also “set a good example to the rest of the staff and had created a relationship of positive collaboration.”

The partnership with parents and the community was also considered good with some outstanding features.


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