Anniversary appeal – Man found injured on Southern Distributor Road, Newport

Twelve months on since the day Alex Chant was found injured at the side of the Southern Distributor Road, Newport, Gwent Police is renewing its appeal for information and asking that anyone who may have witnessed the incident to come forward.

Alex, who turned 21 four weeks following the incident, was discovered with serious head injuries at the side of the road near CarCraft at approximately 11.30pm on Saturday March 27th.

Alex, who is from Lliswerry had been out socialising in the Maindee area of Newport earlier that day. He left Maindee Square at approximately 11.15pm in a dark coloured people carrier with a sliding door. Alex was seen exiting this vehicle on the SDR and then the vehicle continued to travel along the road down towards the slip road to Stephenson Street.

Detective Supt Geoff Ronayne who continues to lead the investigation said:

“It is imperative that we find the taxi driver as he or she may have vital information as to what happened within the vehicle that night and know how and why Alex exited the vehicle. We need to appeal for anyone who was travelling down that stretch of road that night to come forward – it may help people to remember what they were doing by saying that it was the first weekend of the Easter holidays; the first Saturday after the schools broke up.

We are continuing to look at CCTV, particularly of one vehicle that was in the area shortly before the incident occurred – the driver may well have seen something that is significant to the investigation. We would also like to remind anyone who saw Alex earlier that evening, or when he got into the taxi on Saturday night (March 27th) in Maindee Square at approximately 11.15pm to get in touch police. Alex had just come from the Sens Kebab House on Maindee Square and probably went across the road to a bus stop where taxis normally stop to pick up fares.”

Alex is described as 6 feet 1 inch tall, of medium/stocky build with short dark brown hair. Both his arms are heavily tattooed. His right arm has tattoos of hearts, tribal patterns and a skull with chequered flags and a red spiders web coming out of it and his left arm has tattoos of japanese flowers and a Koi Karp fish. He was wearing a blue and white striped t-shirt and blue jeans.

Anyone who saw Alex in Maindee Square/getting into the vehicle or can offer information to identify the vehicle or driver travelling down the SDR is asked to contact Gwent Police on 101. Alternatively please contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

The following comes directly from Stephen Chant – Alex’s father:

“Although slow, Alex is making a steady recovery. Given the severity of his injuries, his progress to date has far exceeded what any of us expected.

My wife and I visit him every day after work in Rookwood Hospital where he has been since transferring from the Heath in July last year. Every Friday we hire a vehicle to pick him up to come home to Lliswerry to spend the weekend.

Alex spent his 21st birthday on the neurological ward in hospital. Not only has Alex missed out on celebrating with his friends throughout the year as they have also reached 21, but he has also missed out on many things the rest of us take for granted such as weekends away, holidays and football tours which I know he would have loved to have been part of.

Fortunately we were able to bring Alex home to spend Christmas and New Year with his family and friends including his sister and two young nieces.

Every weekend at home we spend time with Alex to continue his therapy including stretching, sitting and speech and language. We have learnt these techniques from the staff at Rookwood who have been a great support.

Alex is now able to sit up for about 5 minutes, eat soft food and stand for a short time assisted by a standing frame – one of the Occupational Therapists described him as a “model patient”!

Alex is extremely determined to get better and works hard everyday to achieve his monthly goals set by the therapists and nursing staff.

Alex’s friends have been incredible- I believe their support has been instrumental in him achieving his goals. Not only do they visit as often as possible but they also organise fundraising events. Lliswerry Football Club is taking part in a sponsored car push on Alex’s birthday to help raise money to put towards a vehicle we can use to transport Alex to and from hospital. In the meantime, money raised by Alex’s auntie Mandy has helped no end towards hire car costs. She has worked hard collecting in Tesco and has arranged an auction night at the Windsor Club this weekend (March 26th).

This has been a very traumatic event that has changed our lives, and we are extremely grateful to family and friends who have supported us in many ways and continue to do so. Without this I am sure things for us and Alex could have been so different.

Finally I wish to thank the police for all they are doing with the investigation. It is disappointing that we cannot get any closure on what happened that night causing Alex to be in the condition he is in, but I hope that this appeal helps jog somebody’s memory or triggers someone’s conscience to come forward.”


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